When on the links, carrying a divot tool in your pocket is a required accessory. The Exact Golf Tool is much more than a basic divot tool – it’s actually a 5-in-1 multi-function tool that includes a golf club groove cleaner, a ball marker, a cigar holder and a golf grip holder (keeps grips dry).
I found the Exact Golf Tool to be just the right size – not so large that it’s difficult to carry in my pocket and not so small that I struggle to use it. This divot tool is light weight and rested comfortably in my pocket. Best of all, it’s made in the U.S.A.!
Exact Golf makes a smaller optional 3-in-1 tool that’s a combination divot tool, ball marker and groove cleaner. The company also sells some very nice accessories such as putter covers, golf towels and cases capable of securing golf tools.
The company is Exact Golf Tool and their website is www.exactgolftool.com
The retail price for the 5-in-1 tool is $9.99, and the smaller 3-in-1 tool is $6.99. You can visit their website for more information on their accessories and read additional information.
I carry my 5-in-1 Exact Golf Tool in my pocket during each round and find it to be a very useful accessory, and I’m confident that you will too.
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