I use and have tried numerous putting training aids over the years. Putting is so critical to your golf score, that becoming a better putter is something everyone can do. Finding a good putting training aid is a big help, and I’ve found a good one. It’s the Pro Path Putting Mirror Master Kit.
At first glance you may it’s your everyday putting mirror, however it’s much more than that. First, it has a 15 degree natural arc, which will provide awesome feedback from your first stroke. Second, it has distance marks so you can really see how far back you need to go to hit a specific distance putt. Third, it will train you to have much better alignment over your putt, and Fourth, it’s very portable so you can throw it in your golf bag and take it anywhere.
The Pro Path Putting Mirror Master Kit from Back 2 Basics Gol is exactly what you need to improve your posture, control your distance, refine your path and sink more putts. It comes with the 15 degree putting mirror, which can be used by both right handed and left handed golfers, and the kit also includes 4 putting gates of different sizes. Also included in every kit is an instructional manual to get you started.
I started with the 15 degree arc putting mirror on the practice putting green, and I was focusing on my alignment and posture over each putt. I did this for about 30 minutes, and then went on to try their putting gates. There are 4 sizes so I started with the largest one for about 30 putts, then went one size down and hit another 30 or so putts. I could feel and see (with the putting mirror) where I needed some adjustments.
The real test is always on the golf course. After just one session I had 3 less putts than my average that day. I was standing a little closer and a little taller towards the golf ball while putting and it made a significant difference. I continue to use the Back 2 Basics Golf Pro Path Putting Mirror and Gates, as my goal is to get to under 30 putts per round.
Like all training aids, it takes practice and persistence . If you are looking to reduce your putts per round, it is great putting training aid kit. My opinion is the Back 2 Basics Pro Path Putting Mirror Master Kit is top notch!
The company website is www.back2basics.golf and the Pro Path Putting Mirror Master Kit costs only $59.99.
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