Who doesn’t love a fun prank with your golf buddies. Well, I have found something that is pretty explosive and wanted to share it with everyone.
We all know driving the golf ball is so important and that is why it’s the most used club on the practice range. Everyone is hitting drives, one after another after another. So, I thought why not have a little bit of fun.
I told one of my golf buddies who knows about Niche Golf, and how I review unique products that I just got a sleeve of golf balls which go 25 yards longer than any other ball. I said it’s not legal to play in a tournament but it’s sure fun to hit your drives a lot further, you want to give it a try? He immediately said, absolutely!
I gave him my POP Golf golf ball, what he didn’t know and was about to find out is that not only does it not go 25 yards further, it Explodes! He tee’d it up and got a bunch of guys to watch and Kaboom, The Pop Golf, golf ball exploded into pieces. Not only did he start laughing but so did everyone else. He said, ok, you got me.
Bottom line, it you want to have some fun with a golf buddy, the Pop Golf exploding golf ball is a blast!
You can buy the Pop Golf exploding golf ball 3 pack for $12.99 at Amazon here – https://www.amazon.com/Realistic-Exploding-Prank-Golf-Ball/dp/B0B8KQ3PTM/ref=sr_1_3?crid=AHONP31L499I&keywords=Pop+exploding+golf&qid=1668112723&sprefix=pop+exploding+golf%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-3
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