If you tend to sway away from the golf ball, as many amateurs and beginners do then you are probably facing some swing flaws that need to be fixed. Basic swing mechanics are very hard to master and most of us tend to swing at times using the dreaded chicken swing. It’s very hard to fix and I have not found a training aid that helps with this, until now.
Finally, a training aid that will help with eliminating the dreaded chicken wing. The key to eliminate the chicken wing is to keep tour arms close to your body and not have your lead arm bed when swinging through impact into the golf ball.
The product is from PitBoss Golf. The PitBoss Golf training aid is very simple to use, yet very effective. To simply how it works, you place the ball into your trail armpit while the attach the carabineer into your oppose side belt loop. You then simply take swings and if the ball falls out of your armpit you are not keeping your arms in the correct position.
I took the PitBoss Golf training aid to the driving range to see how it works. It feels a little unusual at first but after taking lots of swings you start to feel where your arms really should be, which for me was close but not correct all the way through impact. I have been using the PitBoss Golf tarining now for almost 4 weeks at the range 2-3 times per week. My arms now are definitely much closer to my body and my iron shots are much more consistent.
Bottom line, the PitBoss Golf training aid is an excellent golf swing training aid to rid yourself of the dreaded chicken wing go swing, and with practice using the PitBoss Golf training aid your chicken wing will disappear and your golf shots will be much straighter and more consistent.
The company website is www.pitbossgolf.com and the cost is only $19.95.
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