There are a million golf towels to choose from when it comes to using them on the golf course . . . and I’ve used at least half of them. I have found that the Loop Lyfe golf towels are truly amazing. Loop Lyfe offers 2 styles of towels – a Bag style and a Greenside towel.
Loop Lyfe’s bag towel has both a plush side and a waffle side; the plush side is very absorbent and the waffle side easily cleans debris off of your golf clubs.. The Bag towel measures 16” x 24” and comes with a grommet and locking carabineer to easily hook the towel on to your golf bag. Loop Lyfe’s Greenside towel is 16”x16” and perfect for size to take to the green.
I used both styles of the Loop Lyfe golf towels while on a golf trip to Florida. I put them to the test for 4 rounds without washing or cleaning the towels in any way. One round of golf was after a rainy day so the course was a bit muddy. The Loop Lyfe towels performed extremely well, keeping my clubs clean and dry with repetitive use. The Loop Lyfe towel cleaned my golf ball on the green like a champ as well.
I know towels aren’t fancy golf accessories, but I never play without one.. I use a towel after hitting iron shots to clean them for the next shot and I take one to every green to clean my golf ball. I’m not quite sure why every golfer wouldn’t use a towel to clean his/her clubs and golf balls, as it can only help your game.
I highly recommend the Loop Lyfe golf towels as I found both styles to be very high quality. Loop Lyfe does a great job!
The company website is The Bag towel is $24.99 and the Greenside towel is only $19.99
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