I’ve been using an indoor putting mat for years and I enjoy the practice, but I never feel like I’m getting my putting stroke to stay on plane. Putting mats are great to use for distance, but they don’t help with getting your putting stroke on the proper path. I decided to find a putting training aid that will help with my stroke path and plane and give me feedback as to how square my putter face really is.
I have been using a product called The Putter Arc, and more specifically their MSIII model. It is made of heavy-duty plastic and only weighs about 2 pounds. If I wanted to take it to the golf course to use, that’s definitely an option. Also, the Putting Arc is used by over 1,400 touring pros worldwide who don’t get paid to use it, which says a lot about a training aid.
Here’s what the company says about the MSIII Putting Arc…
Proper use of the MSIII will help you create a putting stroke in which the putter head moves inside-to square-to inside on a very precise arc, and the face of the putter ALWAYS stays square to that arc.
Like all of the other Putting Arcs, the curve of the MSIII is based on the 2200 year old math formulas of Apollonius of Perga. With the Putting Arc you can quickly learn the inside-to square-to inside putting stroke used by the majority of the world’s touring pros.
The putting stroke you will be learning with your Putting Arc is not a new stroke. In fact, it is the putting stroke used by the top putters in the modern era, golfers like Ben Crenshaw, Brad Faxon and Tiger Woods. They were putting like this long before the Putting Arc was invented. With the Putting Arc, you too can learn the putting stroke these great putters grew up with.
Known Putting Arc users have won over 1318 pro tournaments since the Putting Arc was introduced in 2002.
You can quickly learn this putting stroke. The all-time PGA Tour scoring record of 254 was set by a pro who used it for only two weeks. This is a record that was set in 2004 and still stands. In this win this pro made every putt inside of seven feet and 58 of 60 putts ten feet or less.
For rapid and continued improvement in your putting stroke, use the Putting Arc for 5 to 10 minutes EVERY day. Just make sure to practice half the time with your putter 1/2″ away from the Arc and maintain this spacing during the entire stroke.
Over the past 5 weeks, I have used the MSIII Putting Arc on average 10-15 minutes every day, and what a difference it has made. I have had fewer three putts (usually 2-4 per round), and my total putts per round has dropped by an average of 3 putts. Also I had my first round in the 70’s this year last week.
Putting in my opinion is the most important part of the game. We all have the ability to putt better and using the Putting Arc MSIII will definitely help improve your putting stats and lower your scores!
The company website is www.theputtingarc.com and the MSIII costs $59.95. The company also offers several other putting training aid options, including a smaller travel size, and alignment mat, and a folding arc mirror, plus much more.
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