I’m probably one of just a few people who enjoy practicing putting. I can always be found at the practice green at least 30 minutes prior to golfing – some days I go to the club to just practice my putting. With this said, I also change putters every few years, and sometimes I change during the same year. I’m always looking for that magic putter, yet I know it’s not the ‘sword’; it’s the ‘swordsman’.
I’ve previously reviewed several putter training items and I’ve now found another that’s simple, yet very effective. The product is called the One Putt Bullseye. It’s a small ring-shaped product that can be easily stored within your golf bag. Simply put the One Putt Bullseye into a hole on the putting green and aim at its target which is in the back portion of the cup (note the pictures below).
During practice, I hit a dozen putts and then moved the One Putt Bullseye to other holes on the practice green. I spent about an hour with the One Putt Bullseye and moved it to 5 different cup positions on the practice green. Afterward, I went out and played a round and found that my practice with the One Putt Bullseye definitely helped my game. I had less putts coming up short, and when I was putting I tried to recall aiming for the back of the cup every time.
The company website is www.oneputtbullseye.com and the cost for one is only $18.49, and they offer discounts for larger size orders.
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