Putting is the real key to lower scores. You putt more times in every round than you do anything else; as high as two to three times as much as any other golf club in the bag. Finding a putting system that works and helps you to use your putter fewer times is the true key to lower scores.
I have found such a really unique putting training system, it’s called the Putting Tunnel. It visually trains proper alignment for more accurate putting. The Putting Tunnel shows you exactly when your eyes are over the correct line to your target. By training your eyes to see a straight white line as opposed to a broken line the Putting Tunnel makes your putting more accurate, which leads to less putts and lower scores.
I used the Putting Tunnel for 4 weeks almost every day inside on top of my putting mat. You simply place the Putting Tunnel directly over either an imaginary line or a line on your putting mat. The Putting Tunnel should be about 3 feet from the target and between 5 to 8 feet from the other end of the Putting Tunnel which I did. I tried over 100 putts from 5 feet and 8 feet, and without question over time my putts were definitely more online and closer to the hole.
Overall the Putting Tunnel provides clear and immediate feedback. If you miss and get caught inside the Putting Tunnel it’s time to make adjustments to your set up, and over time you will have proper putting alignment and be using your putter much less.
The company website is www.puttingtunnel.com and the cost for the Putting Tunnel is only $50.00. The company’s website also offer excellent videos to help you get started on your way to using the Putting Tunnel and lower your scores. To learn about more unique and helpful golf products, please subscribe to our email list at www.nichegolf.com or like us on Facebook at https:/www.facebook.com/nichegolf or visit us on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/nichegolf/