There are many swing speed trainers on the marker, and most are either a heavy shaft, something with a ball on the end or super flexible. Now, I’m not saying these are not helpful, as they are however there is a new and really unique wind resistance swing speed trainer that may be better.
It’s from Aero-Swing, and it’s called the Aero-Swing Aero Whip. It uses a flexible Whip shaft with multiple wind resistance options. The shaft comes in lengths, either 48, 44 or 39 inches. All the shafts are flexible, so they all help with grooving your swing tempo. It is an excellent way to warm-up before a round of golf, and is a perfect combination of swing tempo and swing speed training.
The Aero Whip comes with 3 “pineapples”, 2 regular size and 1 mini size. You can use any combination of the three, and the company offers a instructional program to take you from day one through 18 weeks of training. To summarize the training you swing at 80%, then 90% and then 100% using a different combination of “pineapples” on the Aero Whip shaft. Each of the full size “pineapples” generate 10-12 miles of airflow resistance.
First, I have received numerous people on the range asking what training aid I was using as it looks like nothing else. After I explain to them the wind resistance and flexible shaft, every person has asked to try it. I have been training with the Aero Whip now for 5 weeks. I have been using the program they explain clearly on their website for training. I am definitely swinging with much better tempo and I’m confident my shots are at least 5 yards longer minimum. I’ve had some drives that were as much as 20 yards longer and I feel it’s because of the better tempo and the wind resistance training.
Bottom line, the Aero-Swing Aero Whip training aid is excellent. It accomplished two main problem areas, swing tempo and distance. I continue to take the Aero Whip to the range and progress with the their training, as I want to gain more distance and I want my tempo to improve.
The company website is and the cost for the Aero Whip is only $119.95.
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