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A Unique Golf Tee That Reduces Friction and Ball Spin. 

fire away golf tees

I’ve used many, many golf tees over the years and when I see a golf tee that is really unique, that gets me excited. And that’s just what I have found, a golf tee unlike any other, and I can’t wait to tell everyone more about it. 

The company is Fire Away Tee, and their Fire Away Golf Tee is something special. You immediately can tell how sturdy the Fire Away Golf Tee is and you know it will be a very long-lasting golf tee without a doubt. The Fire Away Golf Tee has 4 tiny points on the top of the golf tee that holds the golf tee, while also allowing you to position the golf tee slightly forward. Using this 4 degrees of tilt forward and center of gravity back will eliminate friction and allow for perfect impact. 

Here are some additional features of the Fire Away Golf Tee from  the company…  

We sent the tee to Golf Labs to test against the top competitors and wooden tees, and on average the ball went 4 yards farther off the Fire Away Tee than the competitors. 

The Advanced Composite of the material is truly non-breakable, meaning golfers can use one package of Fire Away Tees for an entire season or more. 

The tee is designed to be put in the ground on an angle, angled forward (longest tips towards the target) setting up the ball for a better AOA (angle of attack). This provides a better ball flight than that of competitors, one of the reasons the ball goes further. 

There are height markers on the tee that make it very easy to get the right height every time. At the highest point, the ball is set at the exact right height for a traditional drive. At the lower point, the ball is set for a “stinger” drive that has a lower, more penetrating ball flight for playing in wind or when a more control and accuracy is required. 

I have used the Fire Away Golf Tee for almost 14 rounds of golf exclusively. Based on my experience the Fire Away Golf Tee without question my golf balls have been longer and straighter. I can only assume based on the forward tilt it is reducing friction and allowing for a more penetrating golf ball flight. The Fire Away Golf tee after dozens of hits still looks brand new and I see no reason why it won’t last for one or even more seasons, plus it’s red color makes it easy to locate all the time. 

Bottom line, I have used and tried many, many golf tees over the years, and the Fire Away Golf Tee is a top performer. Longer, straighter golf ball flight is real and happens with every tee shot. It is extremely durable and allows you to place it at whatever height you prefer. I believe the Fire Away Golf Tee can help improve your tee game and make your next shot shorter and easier.  

The company website is, and you can purchase a 4-pack for $19.95 or buy 2 –packs and get 1 free pack. 

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