There are many swing trainers in the market, and I love a new and training aid that is different than anything else. I have found something unlike I have ever seen before to help with tempo and is a great warm up option to get your golf swing feeling smooth.
The company is Pure@Improve and their PUREHITT Hittable Golf swing training aid is truly unlike any other. It has a very flexible shaft and the PUREHITT golf tempo and swing trainer allows you to hit golf balls with it. It takes practice to hit balls, and I suggest you start off just by warming up and taking ¼ and ½ swings to get into a great tempo.
The PUREHITT has some unique features that I want to point out from the company….
- HITTABLE – Delivers the benefits of leading whippy flexible, weighted swing trainers yet with the added benefit of hittability to improve ball striking with your own club.
- DETECT AND FIX SWING FLAWS – Easy and fun to hit, challenging but rewarding to hit well. See ball flight off hittable head of a whippy weighted swing trainer to detect swing flaws other swing trainers don’t or can’t detect. Then fix them. See “How to Use & What to Expect” for best results below.
- EASY AND EFFECTIVE WARM-UP – A dozen or so swings with the PUREHITT(TM) will activate your body, helping you become more flexible, build strength, and tune your tempo and swing for a more enjoyable and lower scoring round.
- IMPROVE SWING TEMPO – The PUREHITT’s flexible fiberglass shaft and heavy PU head combine to teach a smooth transition at the top of the swing and provide a more fluid and on-plane swing.
- REPLACEABLE GOLF GRIP – The PUREHITT features easy grip replacement when preferred with standard or jumbo sized grip. We strongly recommend utilizing a professional regripper.
I have been taking the PUREHITT to the range for a few weeks now, and it is a great way to warm up. I take about 20-30 swings with it, making sure to swing slow and steady. It gets into a really good swing tempo. I start out taking ¼ swings, then ½ swings and onto full swings. Then I start hitting golf balls with eth PUREHITT. You must swing with a smooth rhythm to be able to hot golf balls hit it, as mentioned the shaft is very flexible.
Bottom line, the PUREHITT is an excellent training aid. It trains you to have a smooth and steady take away and downswing. It does a really good job warming you up on the range, so you are ready to hit the golf course knowing your swing tempo is on point.
You can purchase the PUREHITT swing trainer on Amazon here – and the cost is $99.99.
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