Product Reviews

A Very Helpful Putting Alignment Aid.

scotch & skins golf putting aid

We all know putting is truly the key to lower scores, and practicing putting is the only way to get better. It’s not rocket science that your putter must be square at impact to make the correct stroke into the golf ball. However, doing so isn’t that easy unless you are lined up correctly, and I have found a simple, effective and awesome putting alignment aid.

The company is Scotch & Skins, and their Putting Alignment Aid is made from Hickory wood and comes in a set of 2 putting alignment sticks. The key is to use either one or both hickory putting alignment sticks to make sure you are coming into the golf ball square.

Here is some info from Scotch & Skins regarding their Hickory Alignment Sticks…

14″ Long Grade A Appalachian Hickory

Double Sided Engraving

Sealed With A Beeswax Protective Coat

Handcrafted in U.S.A.

Bronze Metal End Caps

Our wood is sourced from Atlas Dowel & Wood in Ohio who is committed to responsible forest management. Atlas has been decreasing its carbon footprint, utilizing our planet’s natural resources to their fullest potential while reducing overall waste. 

I have been taking the Scotch & Skins Putting Alignment Sticks to the putting green with me now for several weeks. I generally use both alignment sticks to create a gate like effect to make sure I am squaring my putting at and just before contact with the golf ball. The alignment sticks have been a great help to improve my putting stroke. They keep me focused and not rushing through the stroke. Being only 14 inches, they easily fit into a pocket in my golf bag so they are always available.

The company website is, and the cost for the set of 2 Hickory Alignment Sticks is $45.00.

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