Every time you buy a putter, you also get a head cover, however the putter head cover is just an advertisement for the huge brand you bought it from. I know they aren’t paying me to advertise them, so why not use a putter head cover that is unique, creative, and stylish?
I always get so excited when I see really cool putter head covers. I take my putter cover off to putt and putt it back on after putting every time so they do get a bit worn so changing them sometimes is necessary. I feel you must protect your putter from dings when driving all over the golf course, so having a putter cover on is a must. My putter cover is also the most seen head cover in my golf bag for sure.
A company that has some amazing looking putter covers is Guerrilla Golf. Guerrilla Golf has done something that I have not heard of before, their putter head covers are Hand Made! They have putter head covers for blades and mallets and in many unique and stylish designs. From a Hulk putter head cover to a Donut themed putter head cover.
I have been using a few Guerrilla Golf putter head cover designs on my putters. It’s hard to choose which I like best, as they just look great and are not your typical putter head cover. Knowing they were all hand made with care makes me feel I’m supporting a company that really goes the extra mile.
The company website is, https://www.guerrilla-golf.com/collections/head-covers and the putter head covers range in price from $42-$45. I encourage everyone to keep their putter head covers on while not in use and check out all the great designs from Guerrilla Golf today.
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