I’ve used an alignment stick(s) on the ground for years to help with my alignment and I feel it helps. However, there is also the importance or swinging on plane in addition to correct path that is the key to straighter golf shots. I just so happen to have a found a very helpful training aid that helps with both.
The product is from Tour Aim Golf, and it really helps with understanding how to swing on plane, while also making sure you are swinging on the correct path. The product works on your long game, short game, chipping and can also help with your putting.
The Tour Aim is a solid wood block with holes drilled into it in specific spots. It allows you to place alignment sticks into certain holes so you can learn how to align your body, swing on plane, and even putt better. Time for testing the Tour Aim and see how it works. The first thing I did, was watch a few videos on the company website on how to set up and use the Tour Aim. After watching the videos it was time to take the Tour Aim to the golf range.
The first thing that happened was that a lady on the range where I just set up the Tour Aim, said “ wow, that looks like a great alignment tool”. I set up the Tour Aim with two alignment sticks running parallel each other and another alignment stick pointing down my intended line. I started taking some swings and immediately noticed how the ball was going much straighter than my normal shot heading a bit to the right when on the range. I did this for about 20 minutes, and I have to admit I feel much more confident now on how to alignment myself on the proper line.
The then added another alignment stick to be able to practice the proper path plus the correct swing plane. This took a bunch of swing to get used to. I started with half swings at half speed and gradually worked up to full swings at half speed, then full swings at full speed. It was a real eye opener how my swing was off plane and after using the Tour Aim how much more on plane my swing was and will continue to be.
Overall, I continue to take the Tour Aim to the range before heading out onto the golf course as it really helps with alignment and swing plane. I feel it has a lot more to offer than just putting an alignment stick on the ground, and I’m confident if you work with the Tour Aim on a regular basis it will help improve your swing plane and alignment.
The company website is www.touraimgolf.com and the Tour Aim costs $89.99. They also sell alignment sticks that can be used with the Tour Aim in packs of 2,3 and 4. Please note with the alignment sticks needed, they must no larger than 5/16” diameter or they won’t fit.
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