Having the proper grip is a crucial part of having a great swing. At times I have noticed my hand on the grip seems to change positions slightly and in turn my swing pattern also changes. That is not what you want, you want a consistent and correct grip to swing your golf clubs the same way every time. Now, there is a training aid to help with this issue.
The True Grip Glove from Me and My Golf is a training aid that shows you exactly where the grip should be on the golf club. It will help you fix your slice, hook, or inconsistent swing pattern. Here are some features from the company of the Me and My Golf True Grip Glove….
- Blue silicone area on the inside of the glove ensures the club is positioned perfectly in your hand. Non-slip silicone palm and finger application provides unrivalled grip and performance.
- Dual-Knuckle and arrow tip indicators improve your grip technique to ensure your knuckles and right shoulder alignment is correct.
- Elite performance and durability in all-weather with exceptional grip and flexibility.
- Ultra soft feel for enhanced comfort. Safe for hand and machine washing.
- Scan the QR Code inside the packaging to access the exclusive videos created by Piers & Andy that will stop your slice!
- Conforms to the Rules of Golf
I have been taking the Me and My Golf True Grip Glove to the range and practicing with it for over a month. I take about 5-6 swings with the glove on and then take it off and swing with my regular glove. I do this with a few irons and my Driver and Fairway Woods. I do it 3-4 times with each golf club, as I want to ingrain the proper grip every time in my mind. I know it takes repetition with the True Grip Glove to make sure I place my hand in the correct position without thinking about it, and especially under pressure on the golf course.
Bottom line, the Me and My Golf True Grip Glove does a great job getting you into the proper hand position. I take it to the range and use it every time I practice before a round. I feel more confident after practicing with it, and I have noticed my shorts are straighter and my contact with my irons is much better.
The company website is https://shop.meandmygolf.com/en-us/products/true-grip-glove and the cost is $29.99 and comes in 3 sizes to fit your hand. The company also provides training videos to make sure you know exactly how to use the True Grip Glove.
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