I’ve owned several indoor putting mats and to be honest at best they were just ok, and could certainly could be improved to really help improve your putting skills. Most indoor putting mats are made for you to put towards a hole or cup, in one direction or if you pay more in 2 directions, and in my opinion aimlessly putting back and forth is not a great way to become a better putter.
An indoor putting mat I’ve been using for about 2 months is truly a putting training aid, and not just another mat with cups to putt to. Actually there are no cups on this mat, instead they use target areas to fine tune your distance. In addition, this putting mat comes with drills that you work on to get better, and isn’t that exactly what a true training device is supposed to offer? The company is called WellPutt, and the WellPutt mats are the only ones I’ve ever seen or heard of that actually offers real drills to become a better putter.
WellPutt has more than 50 exercises on 3 different levels which helps you to analyze what to practice and registers your practice. The WellPutt mat also offers something no other mats offer which are optical markers which can help correct your set up and alignment. The WellPutt putting mat is a great training aid and not just another putting mat; so if you want to become a better putter by using actual drills as opposed to just putting into a cup, then WellPutt definitely has the best putting/training mat made!
The WellPutt mat is best used on solid floor or tile surfaces, and if you want your WellPutt mat to get faster just brush it in the direction of the grain, or simply walking and putting on your mat. The WellPutt mat can be used outside as it is waterproof, however the sun may fade the colors. The WellPutt mat is available in 10ft, 12ft and 13ft lengths, and prices range from $69-$169.
The company website is www.WellPutt.com and I highly recommend going there and reviewing the options they offer to truly become a better putter.
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