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An Innovative Putting Training Aid Unlike Anything Else! 

There are a ton of putting training aids available and they all offer help in different ways and I have also reviewed many that I feel are very helpful. However, what I saw at the PGA Show this year is totally different and unique and could make all the difference in your putting going forward. 

The company is ROLL-N-ROLL and they have a very unique putter training aid that is truly innovative. The ROLL-N-ROLL Instructional Putter II is a very effective way to develop a consistent, accurate and effective putting stroke.  

Here is some info from the company regarding their ROLL-N-ROLL Instructional Putter II… 

The Roll-N-Roll™ Putter II conforms to the Rules of Golf and is changing how golfers practice. With its patent pending design, the Roll-N-Roll™ Putter II accomplishes the following: 

  1. Ingrains a Level Putting Plane.
  2. Eliminates Putter Face Alignment Issues.
  3. Builds Muscle Memory That Sticks.

The key with the ROLL-N-ROLL Instructional II putter is to use it daily. The company states this… 15 minutes a day – 3 days a week – every week of training saves 1 putt per round – 5 weeks = 5 fewer putts per round. 

I have been using the ROLL-N-ROLL Instructional Putter II now for about 4 weeks. I have used it at least 3 days a week, usually before I play a round and for about 15 minutes each time. I have definitely noticed a more consistent putting stroke path. The putter seems to now flow through the golf ball on a much straighter line; and since I use a line on my golf ball, I can see the line going end over end. The ROLL-N-ROLL Instructional Putter II works! 

Bottom line, using the ROLL-N-ROLL Instructional Putter II on an ongoing and regular basis has helped improve my putting and helped to having less putts per round. I plan on continuing to use the Instructional Putter II and continuing to sink more putts. 

The company website is,, and I suggest checking out this truly innovative putting training aid that can help everyone improve their putting and lower their scores. 

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