There are several major benefits of using a GPS golf watch over a laser range finder. The most important in my mind has always been the ability to see the front and carry distances to hazards. However, there are other advantages such as, score keeping, shot distance tracking, and seeing the entire golf hole and how it plays. However, there has never been a GPS Watch that does performance tracking and high level analysis until now!
The GPS Watch is from Shot Scope, and it’s their Shot Scope V3. The Shot Scope V3 offers a ton of key features such as, Advanced GPS Accuracy, Strokes Gained Analytics, Hazard Distances, Performance Tracking, 36,000 Preloaded golf courses, and a 10-hour battery life. There are also many additional benefits the Shot Scope GPS V3 Watch includes that you read more about on their website that make this possibly the best GPS Watch and performance/training/coaching watch ever made.
It’s very easy to get started with the Shot Scope V3. You charge the device, download the Shot Scope app, and add the tags in the app to recognize your golf clubs. The company also offer a dashboard which you can see everything you did on the golf course after your round, and you can use that data to see exactly where improvement is needed, and where you’re doing very well.
I have been testing the Shot Scope GPS V3 Watch now for about 6 weeks. It does take about 3-5 minutes to get the exact course you are playing, so you should turn the V3 on and get started before the first tee. Once on the course you can see the entire hole, and you can scroll to see all the hazards on each hole. The holes change automatically so you don’t have to worry about that, and you can also go back and forth to any hole if you need to very easily. The first few times I also brought my Laser Rangefinder to compare distances, and the distances were for both were within a yard or 2 every time.
The V3 Watch is very simple to use. For someone who has never used a GPS Watch, is does take a few minutes to get to know which buttons to push to get what you want, however, after a few minutes of getting to know the V3 watch, it becomes easy to use. And if you push the wrong button, getting back to where you want to be is simple and not complicated.
What the Shot Scope V3 has that I’ve yet to find on any other GPS Watch is performance tracking. Knowing your club distances, fairways hit or missed, most used golf club, most accurate golf club, greens in regulation, up & downs, and so much more is phenomenal information to have at your fingertips. Now you can review your round in detail, with over 100 statistics on your game, you can finally see where exact improvement is needed.
Bottom line, the Shot Scope V3 GPS Watch is amazing! It offers excellent GPS distances and course information, and the performance tracking is a tremendous benefit that will help you improve your golf game without question. I never give out stars, but if I did, it would be 5 out 5!
The company website is and the cost for the V3 GPS Watch currently is only $179.99. The company does offer other GPS Watches, Handhelds, and Laser Rangefinders.
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