All Posts By

marc heyman

Product Reviews

A Unique and Scientific Way To Improve Your Putting.

putttrue golf ball training aid

There are countless putting training aids to help improve your putting, and many do a great job, however, what I have found is truly visionary. Imagine a scientifically proven way to improve your putting, no need to as it’s available to everyone. PuttTrue is the company, and they use unique markers on your golf balls to help you improve. The PuttTrue markers are based on science and will help improve your accuracy and alignment by using a technique called “Quiet…

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Product Reviews

A Premium Great Looking Mid-Mallet Putter.

burk golf ai+77 putter

This Mid-Mallet putter is a beauty right from the start. I prefer a mallet putter, so I had one of my good golf friends who is a lower handicap do the testing while I watched and took notes. I could immediately see it was a great looking mid-mallet and very well-made, clean lines and the color was awesome. We’re talking about a putter that is made with the highest quality materials and has a look unlike most if not all…

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Product Reviews

An Awesome Milled Putter Merging Tradition and Confidence.

burke golf tm55 putter

Finding the right putter for everyone is not easy. There are many different styles, shapes, and companies out there, so when I found a company that is offering something really special, I had to try one of their putters. The company is Burke Golf, and they make high-quality premium putters. I must admit from the start I do prefer a Mallet style putter, and the Burke Golf TM55 caught my eye immediately. The TM55 is Fire Forged from a single…

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Product Reviews

The All New RevCore CaddyDaddy Stand Bag.

caddydaddy revcore stand bag

There are many stand bags to choose from, and I have reviewed several that were good, however, I have found a bag from a great company that is exceptional. The brand new CaddyDaddy RevCore Stand Bag and it is full of features you will love. CaddyDaddy RevCore Stand Bag first and foremost looks great. It has a leather like feel and the matching hardware on the RevCore Stand Bag  matches perfectly. The key is the features the CaddyDaddy RevCore Stand…

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Product Reviews

Great Beverages For On or Off The Golf Course. 

links drinks transfusion beverage

I know a lot of people who like to have a cocktail beverage while golfing and even more who like one after the round is over. I’m sure you heard of a Transfusion cocktail beverage, but did you know there are options when it comes to a Transfusion cocktail.  Links Drinks, is a company that offers your favorite Transfusion cocktail in a convenient east to drink can! Links Drinks Transfusion cocktail also comes in several tasty options including their, Front…

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Product Reviews

A Great and Easy Way To Get Your Grips Clean. 

grip caddie golf grip cleaner

Cleaning your grips is such a hassle. You need to get a bucket, fill it with water and some soap, and it’s just messy and so time consuming. That’s probably why most people don’t clean their grips, well, there is a simple and easy way to get your grips clean with no buckets needed.  Grip Caddie is a simple and convenient way to clean your golf grips. You can use the Grip Caddie on the golf course if you like…

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Product Reviews

A Great Affordable and Durable Golf Rangefinder. 

flysocks golf laser rangefinder

I’m always on the hunt for a quality rangefinder, and there are so many options. I think the differences between many of them are very little, as so far, the only big difference I have found is some may be slightly heavier, and some are very expensive. I have found a quality rangefinder I think many people may be very interested in.  The company is Flysocks, and they offer a quality golf rangefinder at a great price. It is packed…

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Product Reviews

Really Unique Golf Shoes That Reduce Sway! 

athalonz golf shoes

I have tried many golf shoes over the years and done many reviews. Most are very good these days. However, I am always searching for anything new and unique that can help my golf game in any way, and I think I have found some really special golf shoes that I had never heard of before.  The company is Athalonz, and they have some incredible shoe technology that helps reduce sway in your golf swing. One of the keys is…

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Product Reviews

High Performance Golf Insoles for Awesome Stability. 

jusgo golf insoles

I tried insoles in my golf shoes several years ago and they felt ago, but I really didn’t notice much help with my golf game. When I noticed a company I never heard of on Instagram selling insoles to help with your golf game I had to try them.  The company is JusGo Golf, and they had a patent pending technology that has been tested and has shown improvement in golfers performance. JusGo Golf was established in 2024 by Dr.…

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