All Posts By

marc heyman

Product Reviews product reviws

An Innovative Putting Training Aid Unlike Anything Else! 

There are a ton of putting training aids available and they all offer help in different ways and I have also reviewed many that I feel are very helpful. However, what I saw at the PGA Show this year is totally different and unique and could make all the difference in your putting going forward.  The company is ROLL-N-ROLL and they have a very unique putter training aid that is truly innovative. The ROLL-N-ROLL Instructional Putter II is a very…

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product reviws

An Excellent Leather Golf Glove. 

hj glove golf glove

When you think of golf gloves you think of something that feels great, fits great, and is long lasting. Well, at the 2025 PGA show I found a company that offers everything you want in a golf glove.  The company is HJ Glove, and they have been making golf gloves since 1976 with the vision of making the best golf glove in the world. In addition, according to the company, “HJ Glove uses only the finest hand-selected cabretta leather and…

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product reviws

Great Golfing Accessories to Make Golf Less Stressful. 

glove caddy magnetic golf hat

I’m always on the lookout for golf accessories that make life easier on the golf course. I’ve found many golf accessories over the years and I recently found some new golf accessories that I feel are truly hidden gems that people need to know about.   The company is Glove Caddy and what first caught my eye was their Glove Caddy Original Clip. The Glove Caddy Original Clip is a simple and effective way to attach your golf glove to…

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product reviws

Excellent Single Use Sunscreen For Golfers 

brotion golf sunscreen

Everyone knows how important using sunscreen is when golfing outside for so many hours. We all must be protected to avoid any issues, and I have found a company that offers a single use, portable, and easy to apply solutions that is made that prioritizes your health.  The company is Brotion, and their Sun Singles single use sunscreen. The Brotion Sun Singles are free of Oxybenzone and Octinoxate. The individual single-use servings minimizes the risk of bacteria or contaminants compromising…

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product reviws

Colorful Premium Golf Gloves and Golf Towels   

skive golf gloves

When you think of a quality golf glove the first thing you think is Cabretta leather and it’s most likely white. How about a golf glove that is a premium Cabretta leather golf glove but they are not white and fit great. In addition, the same company also offers a stylish golf towel that does a lot more than your basic golf towel.  The company is Skive Golf and they offer high-quality premium golf gloves and golf towels that are…

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Product Reviews

An Easy Placement and Durable Golf Tee. 

simarki golf tees

I saw these golf tees at the PGA show in January and really liked them. They are similar to another kind of cup head golf tee, but in my opinion offer even less resistance.  The company is Simarki, and they offer 2 sizes of golf tees that offer easy placement of your golf ball. The first Simarki golf tee has a fixed height option so you know your golf ball is teed up to the exact same height every time,…

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Product Reviews

An Awesome Camo Golf Bag For Hunters Who Also Love Golf! 

sunday golf camo golf bag

As far as golf bags go, the Sunday Golf Ryder Camo golf bag may be the most unique, as it’s made for golfers but also as you can see hunters.  Sunday Golf has always offered terrific golf bags with a full list of features, and they also offer some of the lightest golf bags I have ever used. And now they have come out with a golf bag that reaches a whole new audience that until now was never considered. …

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Product Reviews

Colorful Golf Polos with some Flair to Them. 

joyord golf performance polo

I love a colorful polo and at the PGA I found a company that offers quite a nice selection for golf course of anyone who can order at least 100 pieces. With so many styles and patterns to choose from this company definitely has you covered.   The company is Joyord and their selection of golf polos ranges from the traditional, to the floral, to polos with different sleeve and collar options. Joyord also offers polos using recycled fabrics and…

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Product Reviews

A Compact and Easy to Use Groove Sharpener. 

caddy splash groove sharpener

I know that generally most people including myself don’t clean our grooves more than just a quick brush them off here or there. However, if you want to achieve the maximum amount of backspin your grooves need to be clean and using a Groove Sharpener is the easiest and best way to do that.  Caddy Splash who I’ve done reviews for in the past with their fantastic water brushes now offers a Groove Cleaner. The Caddy Splash Groove Sharpener has…

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Product Reviews

An Excellent Booming Portable Magnetic Speaker. 

liddle speaker pro

I have used several portable speakers on and off the golf course and what always seems to be lacking is the high-quality sound. Also, many are not water resistant which is also feature I think is needed for sure, so at the PGA show in January I found a company offering what I feel is a top-notch portable speaker.  The company is Liddle Speaker, and their Little Speaker Pro has some great features that are usually not available in a…

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