All Posts By

marc heyman

Product Reviews

Superior Protection Golf Cart Bags. 

founders club premium golf bag

Obviously having a quality golf bag is very important to keep your golf clubs safe. However, while keeping your golf clubs safe is important, having all the features of a high-quality golf bag is also needed.   We all want lots of pockets to keep our accessories in, our drinks cold, our tees and golf balls in an easily accessible place. We also like a bag that has a place for our umbrella, rain hood, and how about a spot…

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Product Reviews

Superior Made Golf Towels For Your Golf Bag.

golf rags golf towels

Everyone needs a golf towel on their golf bag, to clean their golf club heads, club grooves, and make sure you are ready for the next shot. While there are many golf towel options, having a golf towel that looks good and doesn’t stink should be your first choice, and I have found the ideal golf towel.  The company is Golf Rags, and they make golf towels, however their golf towels are quite special and, in my opinion, superior golf…

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Product Reviews

An Excellent All-In-One Golf Club, Grip, Ball, Shoe Cleaner. 

geko golf club cleaner

I use and have used many golf club cleaners. I prefer my golf clubs, grips, and grooves to be clean and stay looking as good as possible. However, I have yet to find a cleaner that cleans everything, from grips to grooves to shoes, until now!  The GEKO Golf Grip Restore and Cleaner is a true all-in-one golf club cleaner. From golf grip rejuvenator to Club Head Cleaner, to golf shoe cleaner. You simply spray on the GEKO Golf water…

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Product Reviews

Affordable Quality Golf Headcovers With a Twist. 

fix golf head covers

I’ve reviewed many headcover companies of the years and I have to admit what I found was unlike any others I have ever seen. In addition to their standard line of quality head covers, this company offers something unlike all others.  The company is Fix Golf, and what I am talking about is their unique Religious themed golf headcovers. The call them their Bible line and it is offered in Driver, Fairway wood/hybrid, and putter. As you can see below…

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Product Reviews

Colorful and Stylish Sunglasses For Every Sport and Occasion! 

goodr golf sunglasses

Sunglasses are a part of our daily life, from driving, to sports to hanging out, we all wear some type of sunglasses. I have found a company that offers really affordable sunglasses for men, women and everyone.   Goodr is a sunglass company that offers an amazing selection of sunglasses for everyone. Sunglasses for golf, pickleball, driving, tennis, cycling, running and so much more. They offer a tremendous amount of choice and styles, polarized, non polarized and even college themed…

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Product Reviews

Incredible and Unique Golf Headcovers and More. 

pins and aces head cover

I’ve done reviews on many golf headcovers and I’m always amazed at how many unique head cover companies I can find. What I’m about to show you is truly unique and creative to say the least.  The company is Pins & Aces, and they offer some of the most stylish and creative golf headcovers I have ever seen. Pins & Aces also sells polos, hats, beer sleeves, ball markers, gloves, and much more.   The driver and putter headcovers I…

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Product Reviews

An Excellent Putting Book for Beginners to Experienced Golfers. 

lower your score putting book

As we all know putting is really the most important part of every golfer’s game. You use your putter on every hole and with more shots than any other club, so getting better with putting is the key to lower scores. I have found a really good book about golfers that takes you from learning how to read greens, to the mental side of putting.  The book is by Stephen Griggs and the book is called, Lower Your Score, Mastering…

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Product Reviews

Authentic Hand-Made Golf Head Covers and Accessories. 

maggies celtic golf collection

I change my headcovers because I play often and need a change of scenery from time to time. I have also reviewed and used head covers from many covers as there are just so many high-quality head cover companies, and I found another company that makes some awesome headcovers and accessories.   The company is Maggie’s Celtic Golf Collection, and they are based in Vernon, British Columbia and have been in business for over 5 years. They use the highest…

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Product Reviews

A Unique and Phenomenon Golf Glove.

copper tech golf glove

Since we all use a golf glove and that is what is connected to the grip, making sure your hand is never under strain or fatigue is essential. Most golf gloves just don’t offer much in the way of support or any health benefits, until now!  The Copper Tech golf glove has some amazing benefits unlike any other golf glove. First, it has copper infused technology which improves performance, it also has a non-slip patented spider weave silicon technology for…

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Product Reviews

Wow, A Full Featured Compact Golf Range Finder. 

vovex golf range finder

There are many options regarding range finders, from ones with many bells and whistles to ones with just the basics. I have been fortunate enough to try many of them, and most are pretty good to be upfront and honest. However, I have just started testing a new one and it’s pretty cool.  The company is Vovex Golf and they are introducing their Bloom Series 1 series rangefinder. The Bloom Series 1 has some really cool features, with my favorite…

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