There are lots of major golf brands out there, but none offer fun and creative designs like the company I just found. They offer some really cool designs on their hats, shirts, polos, and gloves that you have to see. The company is Shankitgolf. Yes, you read that right Shankitgolf and their designs are awesome. From their Bogey Golfer hat, to their YOU SUCK golf glove, to their Beer Polo, their designs are unique to say the least. …
marc heyman
There are two things that I always have without question when I golf, one is my range finder and the other must have is my towel. My current towel is nothing special, just a plain white towel and my range finder which is great unfortunately is not magnetic. I have found a company that solves both of my favorite accessory issue in the same place. The company is STICKIT and they offer magnetic golf towels and magnetic straps for…
Getting into the correct setup requires getting your feet into the proper alignment every time you hit a shot. Having just an alignment stick may be ok, but I have found a much better training aid that’s takes the guesswork out of where your feet should be on every shot. The company is Stance Caddy, and their Stance Caddy training aid is a far superior and proper way to learn exactly where to position your feet. Alignment is so important…
I love trying new golf shoes, and seeing if I can either get more comfort, performance or any added benefits. And with today’s technology it seems like golf shoes are getting better and better every year. So, I have found a golf shoe that to me is unique and feels great. The company is Payntr Golf. Payntr makes golf shoes, for both men and women, along with gloves, headwear and other golf accessories. I have been testing their new Payntr…
A Great Way to Protect Your Golf Clubs plus a Training Aid All-In-One Unique Product!
Posted on July 8, 2023I take my golf clubs on several golf trips a year, and I’m always hoping that nothing happens to them when getting tossed onto the plane or off. I’m sure we all have noticed that the baggage handlers never seem to care about how expensive an investment is inside your golf bag, but I know we all do. I have found an incredible product to protect your golf clubs when traveling, and it also offers several excellent training aid options…
Everyone uses a golf bag, and there are many types from stand bags, to cart bags to walking bags. However, what has not changed in a long time is what the golf bag is really capable of doing. How many times have you said “where is that thing, I know I put it in this pocket in my bag”? I know I have searched my golf bag to many times to count looking for ball markers, divot tools, pencils,…
I have a pouch attached to my golf bag that holds my wallet, keys, and other small golf accessories I use on the golf course. I had never really thought much about the pouch until one day when we had a storm come through and everything in the pouch got soaked. I was so upset, I starting searching for a better way to keep my valuables and other accessories I like to have with me on the golf course safe…
A Terrific Training Aid to Improve Your Balance and Your Golf Game.
Posted on July 4, 2023Good balance is critical to every golf shot. How many times have you felt like you had too much weight on your back leg or feeling off balance swinging through a shot. I know it happens to me, and I always to want to improve so I have found a training aid that helps with exactly that, great golf swing balance. The company is Eyeline Golf and the Balance Rod. The Balance Rod is very unique as you stand on…
An Unusual Training Aid That’s Small in Size but Packs a Huge Punch.
Posted on July 3, 2023I’ve seen my share of golf training aids, however what I’m about to share with you I’m confident you this is a training aid you never seen before. It’s a training aid unlike any other, that is critical in helping you find and hit the sweet spot on your clubs. The company is Pure One Golf, and their training aids are unique to say the least. I’ve been testing the PureOne Golf HitFit Iron, and here are the specs from…
Polo’s are a staple on the golf course, and I found a company that offers some very high-quality and stylish polo’s. What I look for in a Polo is that one that keeps me cool and not sweaty as there are some brands that I’ve worn that are just to hot and thick to wear on a hot and humid day. The company is Craftsman Golf, who is known for having some amazing golf accessories has now brought us…