All Posts By

marc heyman

Product Reviews

 A Powerful Magnetic Golf Rangefinder Strap.  

stripebird golf rangefinder wrap

   I use a rangefinder every time I play a round, and I’ve since one of my favorite laser rangefinders is not magnetic, I need a strap. My strap I was using for some time was very slim, however the magnetic kept coming through the strap itself, rendering it useless.  Luckily, I found a company that makes a larger size magnetic strap for my laser rangefinder. The company is Stripebird, and their magnetic Rangefinder strap is excellent. The Stripebird Magnetic…

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Product Reviews

The Only Golf, Beach, Sport Towel You Need.

nomadix golf towel

I always have a golf towel hanging off my bag. I use it for several purposes, including cleaning my golf clubs, my golf balls, and at times to wipe sweat away. Sometimes I use a cotton towel, sometimes I use a microfiber golf towel, it’s just based on what’s clean that day. Well, I have found a golf towel that is the ultimate towel.  The Nomadix Mini golf towel, is simply amazing. It feels great, is lightweight, and is super…

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Product Reviews

Golf Ball Shaped Shot Glasses Make A Unique Gift Idea.

golf ball shot glasses

Just when you think you have seen everything, comes golf ball shaped shot glasses. When I saw these on Instagram, I had to check them out being a golf fanatic myself.  The Golf Ball Shots glasses look like a golf ball; however, they are much heavier. They feel like they are made of metal with a ceramic-like coating. The inside where you pour your liquid is metal which causes the golf ball shot to be about a half pound in…

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Product Reviews

How about a 3D ball marker to make more Putts!

onpoint golf ball marker

I use a ball marker, which is usually a flat marker which does what I thought was the best thing possible, mark where my golf ball is. However, I recently found out that there are better options out there for ball markers that can not only mark your golf ball, but also help you make more putts. Imagine a ball marker which can help you read the line of the putt better. Imagine a ball marker that helps you visualize…

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Product Reviews

Really Unique Gifts For Any Golfer. 

old golf club golf gifts

Generally, I receive golf gifts for my birthday and the holidays, as everyone in my family knows that’s my passion. Usually it’s golf balls, polo’s, hats, or similar and I appreciate it, however I have found a golf gift unlike anything else I’ve ever seen.   How about repurposed golf clubs to make some unusual and really cool products. Imagine an old golf club that turns into a wine stopper, or an old golf club that is a bottle opener? These…

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Product Reviews

A Truly Unique One of A Kind Training Aid!

zero golf tgraining aids

This training aid was invented by a 20-year PGA Tour coach. He spent over 6 years designing and developing this unique training aid. It allows you to improve every shot in your golf bag. This training aid is based on the fact that every golf club has a zero plane.  The company is Zero Golf. Here is what the company says…   Zero plane is an inherent and crucial part of any golf club. The Zero Golf Club embraces this…

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Product Reviews

A Golf Ball That Reduces Spin! Really.

kelken golf balls

Who wouldn’t want a golf ball that reduces spin on your golf shots. I know for a fact that it would definitely help my golf game. Well, I have found a company that actually does make such a golf ball.  The company is Kelken Golf, and they are the original makers also of the Pro Air Grip golf glove. However, their newest product is the Incinerator golf ball. The Incinerator golf ball has special aerodynamic patented technology which helps the…

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Product Reviews

A Magnetic Golf Club Cleaner Accessory and More.

skinny golf mag brush

I use a golf brush to clean my golf club from the dirt and debris that gets onto the club and into the grooves. The problem is that it doesn’t always get into the grooves deeply enough. That last thing you want to do is scratch your golf club, so finding a golf tool that can clean the club and grooves without scratching it has been something I have been on the lookout for. At the PGA show I found…

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Product Reviews

Radmor Golf Apparel is Sustainable and Looks Great.

Radmor Golf polos

There are plenty of apparel companies for golfers to choose from, however how many of them focus on sustainable materials and the environment. I think the answer is not many, yet one company is truly focused on that concept and their golf clothes are simply great.   The company is Radmor, and they are committed to sustainable clothes and better solutions for their apparel. Here is Radmor’s mission, which I feel is very important… Our mission is to make amazing products…

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Product Reviews

Bold and Stylish High-Quality Golf Gloves  

chipp golf gloves

I wear a white golf glove and have forever it seems like. Regardless of who makes the golf glove almost everyone wears a white golf glove. Sure, there are a tiny amount of people who wear a black or color glove, but those are the minority to say the least and those golf gloves are a solid color, and not exciting in any real way.  Well, now there is a company I found, Chipp Golf Co., that sells high-quality and…

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