All Posts By

marc heyman

Product Reviews

Sunscreen for Golfers is not only needed, but a Must!

wear spf sunscreen

I usually wear sunscreen, but to be honest not always. I know it’s important to wear sunscreen, however sometimes I’m in a rush or forget to bring it so even though it’s a sunny day, some days I just didn’t wear any. Until after reading about Justin Thomas, the PGA professional. I read in a golf magazine about Justin’s scare with skin cancer, and fortunately for him it was caught in time and removed. In my opinion this should be…

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Product Reviews

A Golf App that will help plan your golf round game plan.

hello-birdie golf app

Having a game plan was something I really never thought much about. You hear the PGA pro’s talk about having a plan but I thought how do I ever come up with a plan, thinking it would be more of guesswork than a real plan. Well, I found an app that can help with a solid game plan and offers several options. The app is and it has a bunch of very cool features. Before you even start playing…

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Product Reviews

A Performance Shot to calm the nerves and increase Focus.

go low energy shot

Who doesn’t have some type of first tee jitters with everyone watching your shot? And I can say from fist hand perspective that I’ve been nervous on the first tee, when starting a tournament or when the game we are playing is for more than a few bucks. I’ve used other products and still do to stay focused, but when I heard there was a simple shot that could also help and tastes good, I had to give it a…

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Product Reviews

A Great Golf Range finder at an Incredible price.

eagle eye range finder

I have used a range finder for over 5 years now. My home course has many uphill and downhill greens, so I prefer a range finder over a gps watch to get the most accurate distance. There are several really good range finders on the market, however most high-end golf range finders cost upwards of $400-$600. Well, I have found an excellent range finder with tons of features at a great price. The range finder is Eagle Eye Gen 3…

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Product Reviews

A Sweat Reducing Golf Glove That Fits Like a Glove!

pglove goloe

Everyone knows that when summer comes it gets hot and humid, and keeping a solid grip on your golf club becomes an issue. Having a golf glove that can keep your hands dry and with less sweat is a huge benefit. I have found a company that offer a golf glove that offers sweat relief. The company is Up Glove, and their golf glove is really cool. It is made from Top-Grade Cabretta leather, and has mesh flex for amazing…

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Product Reviews

No More Dry and Hard Golf Gloves!

sundance golf glove saver

I seem to go through golf gloves at a much higher pace than I recall from the past. It could be to playing more rounds, or maybe playing in hot and humid conditions, honestly I don’t know, but I would like my golf gloves to last longer if possible.  And now they can with a very cool product I found. The product is from Sundance Glove Saver. The Sundance Glove Saver is a plastic pouch that you put your golf…

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Product Reviews

You can have Clean Golf Grips with just a few simple sprays.

club doctor grip spray

Every golf grip gets dirty whether it looks dirty or not. Your hand sweats, and other dirt and grime get onto your grips when you put them into your golf nag or lay them or the ground. Having clean grips can only help improve your swing and improve your chances of hitting a better shot. The best way to keep your grips clean is to use a simple spray from Club Doctor. Club Doctor has a spray that you can…

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Product Reviews

Golf Divot Tools and Ball Markers Unlike Any Others!

spartan golf tools

I always carry a divot tool to replace divots on the green, and I feel everyone should also do. And I’m sure everyone uses some type of ball marker to mark their ball on the green; why not use something that really stands out and looks cool? Well, there is a company, Spartan Golf Tools, that offers some very unique and cool looking divot tools and ball markers. It would be hard to describe how cool the Spartan Golf Tools…

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Product Reviews

A Virtually Unbreakable Golf Tee with Added Yards.

tour tee golf tees

I will be just about anything to get a few extra yards off the tee. So, when I saw a golf tee that says it’s unique and can add up to 12 extra yards off the tee, I had to try it. This golf tee is pretty unique as it has tiny bumps on the very top part that keep your golf ball just a tiny bit off the head of the golf tee. You can see and feel the…

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Product Reviews

Practice your golf bunker shots anywhere you like!

pocket bunker golf training aid

Practicing golf bunker shots has always been reserved for going to the practice area, as there has never been anywhere else to practice this. I did a lot of searching and found a company that makes a product that simulates playing out of a bunker, yet you can do it from anywhere you like, with no bunker or sand required. The product is from Pocket Bunker. It’s a really unique looking practice aid, that has small plastic legs on the…

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