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marc heyman

Product Reviews

An Aftermarket Shaft You Want!

steadfast golf shaft

I’ve only bought one aftermarket shaft for a Callaway driver a few years ago. It was supposed to go longer and with less dispersion (straighter) than the stock shaft it came with. The fitter told me it’s worth it and I paid $300+ for it. After about 4 rounds, it was clear this shaft was not for me. So I swore off aftermarket driver shafts, until now! I saw an on Instagram and that that they were advertising a Made…

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Product Reviews

Alignment Sticks that are top notch!

Good stick golf

My home golf course has a few very well used alignment sticks to use which I use every time while at the range practicing. The issue is that there is only one to an area to use, it has no point to stick in the ground, and they have very limited uses. I feel alignment sticks are an excellent way to get in proper alignment and can help in many ways, so I was on a search to find the…

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Product Reviews

A Fun Golf Lifestyle Brand of Clothing.

golf bum hat

I have a ton of golf polos and hats and almost all are from the major brand names in golf. I’ve always asked myself why don’t we see more casual golf clothes for running errands, cutting the grass, or going to a friends house to barbecue. We as golfers need more casual golf themed clothes, and now we do. The company is called Golf Bum, and they offer a cool line of clothes that are for the casual day away…

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Product Reviews

Awesome golf hats for on and off the golf course.

sandies golf nats

Who doesn’t love a cool golf hat? I always wear a hat from a major brand or course I may have played over the years while golfing. I’m not sure exactly why but it just seemed like that’s what everyone else was wearing. However, I think after 25+ years of golfing, I’ve realized golf has to be more enjoyable, as most if not all of us are ever going to be pro’s or get paid to play golf. Golf is…

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Product Reviews

Really Cool Golf Towels.

uther golf towel

Are all towel created equal? Well, that’s a hard question to answer, however in my opinion as a long-time golfer, the answer is definitely no! Every time I play golf I bring a towel with me to the golf course, without exception. I usually try to bring a towel that holds a little bit of water and helps to get rid of dirt and sand from my golf clubs and golf balls throughout the round. Until recently there were not…

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Product Reviews

Some Really Amazing Ball Markers and More!

golf ball marker

I love using fun ways to mark my golf ball on the green. There are many times when you are stressed out by the time you reach the putting green, and in my opinion taking a quick look at something fun just brings you back to a much more relaxed state of mind. I recently found a company making some really unique, to say the least, golf ball markers, divot tools, and bag tags. The company, Golf Life Metals, hand…

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Product Reviews

A very portable Alignment training aid that works great.

swing logic alignment aid

Your body alignment is critical when golfing. There are so many people who think there are aligned at their target, yet are 10-30 yards left or right of it. I personally have had alignment issues over the years, as you always think your aligned correctly and when your shot goes in a different direction, you always wonder how did that happen. I have found a great alignment aid that I think is exactly what everyone should be taking to the…

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Product Reviews

Golf Belts that just look awesome!

roostas golf belts

My golf belts are all ok, and I’ve had the same old golf  belts for years, maybe a new one a few years ago but nothing great in my opinion. Sometimes as my waist changes slightly, there just isn’t the perfect hole in the belt, making the belt uncomfortable at best. Well, after searching for months, I found some amazing golf belts! The best part is that they are elastic and there is not one specific hole or any holes…

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Product Reviews

A Golf Towel that deep cleans your golf clubs!

birdicorn towel

I’ve generally used a brush when cleaning my golf clubs when I get back to the golf cart. However, there have ben hundreds of times of the years that after a shot the golf ball ended up in a bad spot, and guess what… No time to go back to the golf cart and clean it off so I used a golf club with dirty or sandy grooves. So, what is the answer? The answer is a golf towel that…

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Product Reviews

The best golf bag for a quick round of golf!

sunday golf bag

Over the years I’ve gone to the golf course with a few clubs to practice and maybe play 3 or 4 holes. Usually I’ll take my Driver, Lob Wedge, 7 Iron and Putter, as I feel those are my scoring clubs. However, I hate taking my full bag with 14 clubs, and pockets stuffed with golf accessories I may need while playing a full round of golf. My everyday golf bag is just so heavy and honestly cumbersome. So when…

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