Most golf club cleaners you attach to your golf bag do a decent job but over a short period of time they all seem to loose their ability to clean your grooves. I seem to replace my club brush about once every 2 months, which is really uncalled for in my opinion… until now! The Iron Caddie allows you to clean your golf club grooves at any angle with minimum effort. The Iron Caddie also has bristles which last significantly…
marc heyman
If there is one thing that doesn’t work for me are training aids that you just can’t take to the range. I really prefer being able to use a training aid on the range before I go out and play a round, so a portable training aid is a huge benefit. The Tour Striker Smart Ball is exactly what I was looking for to improve my ball striking skills. It comes in a very small package and you simply blow…
I know I am always tinkering with my grip to find something that helps me hit the ball a little straighter. I’ve tried a few of those training grips that are available at my local golf retail store, but it feels very un-natural and it just didn’t work for me. A golf friend of mine was on Instagram and he sent me this page he found that he thought I would be interested in and without a doubt I was.…
You know if something is used by over 100 Tour Pro’s there has to be something to it. The key to better rotation, balance and footwork is critical in every golf swing. Now there is a great training aid that does that plus so much more. The product is the Down Under Board and it has so many benefits, including training you on better rotation, and even more so repeatable rotation. The Down Under Board trains you to create resistance…
I’ve had lower back pain for over 10 years. After a round of golf, I immediately use an ice pack on my back, and it does a good job, but it’s just a quick fix with no long-lasting benefits. I am always interested in anything that will really help my back pain, so I’m always searching for something that works. I found a really unique product called Backmate. It looked really sturdy, had great information about how it works on…
All travel bags are not created equal. I travel with my golf clubs on average 4-5 times per year, and I’ve had several golf travel bags over the years. A few golf bags were ok at best, a few were below average, and my newest travel bag has really done a great job. I feel there are several very important parts of the golf travel bag. First it must roll easily through the airport and parking garage, next it must…
I think most golfers get the occasional blister, cut or callus on their hands from golfing. I know I do, and I always seem to get a cut on my right hand thumb and like everyone else I put a band-aid on it while golfing so it doesn’t get worse. The problem is band-aids are bulky, and in my opinion just not the ideal solution for golfers hands. I have found the solution, and it is from a company called…
Who hasn’t made a snowman, sliced a ball into the woods, or needed a mulligan? We all have, or at least almost of us have done that! As bad as it makes us feel we understand that golf is hard, and hopefully not to take the game to seriously, as most if not all of us will never be on the PGA Tour. What I’m talking about is enjoying the game of golf we all love just a little bit…
I’ve had a nagging golfers elbow for about 2 years now and nothing seems to help. I use a compression sleeve on my arm while golfing and after my round of golf my elbow is still sore. I decided to find a product which would help alleviate the ongoing pain I still had after my round of golf was over. After doing a ton of searching, I found a really cool product that has helped a great deal. It’s a…
Putting is so important to every golfer. We use our putter more than any other golf club so finding the best putter and making sure it has the best components is extremely important. While we are happy to spend $400-$500+ on a driver, and make sure we have the correct shaft and grip to fit us best, most golfers just buy a putter off the rack and assume it has the best of everything built right in. What if it…