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marc heyman

Product Reviews

Dont Ruin another Hat. No More Sweat Stains!

hat saver

We’ve all see it – after a long hot day on the golf course, we find ourselves wearing hats that have retained an ugly white sweat stain.  Unfortunately, I’ve had my fair share of ruined hats too.  Starting in June, and running all the way through September, the heat and humidity are quite elevated where I live and play on the East Coast.  As I write this review in late July, today’s temperatures in my home town are expected to…

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Product Reviews

A Great Warm-up Tool

Power Flex Training Aid

I always try to get to the golf course an hour or so early to get my tempo and rhythm warm-ups in prior to going to the driving range.  To play your best, you’ve got to have good swing-tempo and rhythm.  I’ve tried many warm-up tools, including the tool with the “orange ball”.  Yet, I have found them all to be too flexible, and in the end, they never helped smooth-out my swing.  My newest find is the Power Flex…

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Product Reviews

Golfer’s Elbow . . . Ouch!

Over my years of golfing every 4 – 5 times per week, I’ve developed what my doctor refers to “Golfer’s Elbow” in my left arm. As a general practice, I use a simple compression sleeve to try and alleviate the dull ache in my elbow.   Recently I tested Kryofit Sport’s unique cold-compression sleeve with integral icepacks built-in. All I can say is, “Wow!” The compression, combined with the cold pack, provides real relief to my elbow’s aches and pains.  Kryofit…

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Product Reviews

Trust Golf Balls

In my opinion, golf balls with urethane covers tend to perform best when used with short shots and play around the green.  My only issue with urethane covered balls is that they are very expensive. From Titleist Pro-V1, to Callaway Chrome Soft, to high-end Bridgestone golf balls, they all perform well, yet are very costly. Trust Golf Balls is a company that’s been producing golf ball cover technologies for over 25 years to nearly all of the world’s top ball…

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Product Reviews

Yes! An All Weather Golf Glove With Enhanced Grip.

I’m always in search of the next great golf glove.  A few common big-brand names dominate the retail shelves and pro shops . . . do these brands really represent the best gloves that are available? I’ve previously reviewed a number of glove brands that aren’t well known and have found all of them to offer a superior fit, function and value than the big brands.  Maintaining this blog’s fine tradition of reviewing new and innovative products, I now am…

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Product Reviews

Stretching Really Can Impact Golf Ball Distance

Everyone wants to hit the golf ball farther.  I’ve never been a long-hitter, yet I’ve always felt that I have the ability to do so.  I’ve tried many golf training aids that have made big promises to increase my game’s distance, none have made an impact.  Having the ability to turn more around your body more I always believed was the key to more distance, yet no training aids I’ve seen have helped with that until now! I’ve always believed…

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Product Reviews

Easily Customize Your Golf Club Shafts.

If you like to stand out from all the others on the golf course, then you should consider customizing your club shafts.  Shaft Wraps are exactly as the name implies – a special wrap that sticks to your club shaft. The company, Shaft Wraps, manufacturers wraps with nearly countless options to choose from . . . solid colors, national pride, aggressive and pastels (the ladies may like). Simply put, Shaft Wraps are an easy way to show off your individual…

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Product Reviews

A Simple Weight-Shifting Golf Training Aid.

Transferring your weight, at just the right moment during your golf swing, is extremely important. Doing this move correctly leads to better ball strikes, which ultimately allows for more powerful contact with the ball and lower scores.  And yet, I’ve not found a simple training aid that helps with weight transfer until now. The Pin High Pro Swing Aid helps establish the muscle memory required to consistently and repeatedly complete the swing sequence. Properly transferring your swing weight is key…

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Product Reviews

A Better Way To Record Swing-Videos

I’ve been tinkering with my golf swing and wanted to watch myself on video to get a visual on my swing mechanics.  I tried a product called the Qlippy, which holds your phone in place, allowing you to take videos of your swing while on the golf course or on the range.  The Qlippy is one of the most affordable and flexible golf video tools on the market. The Qlippy’s 2 rotating arm sections and a ball joint allows for…

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Product Reviews

A Better Muti-Function Golf Tool!

When on the links, carrying a divot tool in your pocket is a required accessory. The Exact Golf Tool is much more than a basic divot tool – it’s actually a 5-in-1 multi-function tool that includes a golf club groove cleaner, a ball marker, a cigar holder and a golf grip holder (keeps grips dry).  I found the Exact Golf Tool to be just the right size – not so large that it’s difficult to carry in my pocket and…

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