There’s a good deal of talk out there about CBD and golf. With many PGA players now sponsoring CBD merchandise, I decided to try a few products, with the first one on my list being CBD chewing gum from a company called Per Os Biosciences. This company offers two CBD products – gum and mints, both of which are THC Free, so there’s no “high” associated with the use of either of these products.
Here are a few standouts from my own CBD research: CBD derived from the hemp plant is now legal in all 50 states. CBD is not addictive. CBD is non-psychoactive. The majority of the companies that sell CBD infused products claim that CBD helps reduce inflammation. It’s worth noting that I’ve found that most CBD products do not make claims to treat specific ailments, nor do they provide optimal daily dosage sizes.
Per Os Bio’s website offered a lot of useful information, however I encourage everyone to do their own thorough research before taking any type of CBD product. The advantage of CBD infused gum is that it is absorbed by the inside of the mouth, where it’s dispersed throughout the body while maintaining a high level of bioavailability. Conversely, pills, capsules or gummies go through the digestive tract where your metabolism breaks down the active ingredients, resulting in the loss of more than 90% of its bioavailability.
Did the CBD Gum work? I chewed 2 pieces of CBD gum daily for 2 weeks. Admittedly, the gum tasted good – like regular spearmint gum. There was no aftertaste. I chewed one piece every morning and then one piece after every dinner. Each piece contained 10mg of CBD. For the 2 week test period, my generalized aches were less noticeable, I was able to reduce my regular dosage of Advil and I slept really well. As far as helping my golf game… I still had my usual good days and bad days.
There’s much information out there on CBD and CBD products. I encourage you to do your homework. There are numerous companies with different products containing CBD and I personally found CBD gum to be one of the easiest ways to use CBD. My only issue with any CBD product is the daily dosage amounts, as there are no specific guidelines. The gum was easy, starting with one piece daily and then adding one or two more pieces to find your ultimate dosage.
The company website is and the gum cost $19.99 for a pack of 8. The company also offer mints for $19.99 for 16 lozenges.
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