Have you ever wondered what your face angle was when swinging your golf club? If you are slicing or hooking the golf ball, your face angle could be the reason why. Now there is a very simple yet very effective training aid that can help you see your face angle.
The product is from Swingraphics, and the product is called the Face Angler. You simply insert the Face Angler into the hole in your grip and align it with the plane of your golf clubs face. As you can see from the graphic below on the back of the Face Angler package it shows you exactly where the Face Angler should be pointing throughout your golf swing.
I tried the Face Angler at the driving range on numerous occasions. The Face Angler was very easy to put it on and simple to take off. It was very easy to see where my club face was from takeaway all the way through to my backswing. Before I really had no idea what my face angle looked like and I assume unless you have a coach right next to you, neither does everyone else. I took approximately 25 swings with the Face Angler and then took it off and hit some balls; my iron shots were much straighter and I would say I even picked up 5-7 more yards as there was no more hard fades to the right.
Like all training aids, it takes practice to get better. If you use the Face Angler on an ongoing basis you will start to see improvement and hit straighter and longer golf shots.
The company website is www.swingraphics.com and the cost of the Face Angler is only $6.95.
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