Who hasn’t made a snowman, sliced a ball into the woods, or needed a mulligan? We all have, or at least almost of us have done that! As bad as it makes us feel we understand that golf is hard, and hopefully not to take the game to seriously, as most if not all of us will never be on the PGA Tour.
What I’m talking about is enjoying the game of golf we all love just a little bit more. I believe the best way to do that is to wear some fun golf clothes and to enjoy some fun golf accessories. The fact that we can express our less than perfect golf in so many ways unlike most other recreational sports, makes me really appreciate being a golfer.
I found a company that allows golfers to not take their golf game so seriously and, in some cases, make fun of the mistakes we make. How many times have you heard 2nd shot all American, or never lay-up, or some other fun golf saying and said that would make a great hat, shirt, or accessory.
Well, Bogey Bros has done just that, and the company has put together a line-up of hats and koozies that will just make you say why didn’t I think of that. They have a very creative selection of golf sayings that at the least will make you smile, and make almost every golfer in your group say.. yup that’s me today!
I’ve included several of their hats and koozies below and to see all of Bogey Bros line-up of hats and koozies go to their website at www.bogeybros.co and see all the great golf gear and accessories for yourself. Most hats range in price from $26.99 – $29.99, and koozies are $4.99 or available in bundled packs.
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