A large majority of the we golf, it is sunny out, however I don’t see many people wearing sunglasses. I’m not sure why as everyone should protect their eyes from the sun, plus there are many additional benefits that golf sunglasses offer.
Wearing a quality pair of golf sunglasses can help you see tee shots better, help find your golf ball in the rough, and help read the greens. I found a company that offers exactly what we all should be wearing on the golf course, Sundog Eyewear.
Sundog Eyewear offers a great selection of golf sunglasses for both men and women. They have sunglasses with several different tints, including their Aurora Lens Tint for variable light conditions from overcast to sunny which boots contrast. Their Brown Lens Tint is great for everyday use, and provides an increase in color contrast. And their Grey Lens Tint provides reduction of light transmission, which will help with eye fatigue.
I have been testing their Laser EXT, Prime EXT and Ellwood 52. I noticed as soon as I put them on that the Sundog golf sunglasses on the golf course makes a huge difference. I can see things much clearer; I really do think I can see the break in the greens better which I never thought would be possible. The sunglasses are very comfortable and have never fallen off when swinging a golf club. I can feel the sunglasses are made from high quality materials, fit great and, in my opinion, look pretty good on me.
Bottom line, with all the eye benefits and golf benefits, I think everyone should be wearing a pair of high-quality golf sunglasses while golfing, and Sundog Eyewear has you covered!
The Sundog Eyewear website is www.sundogeyewear.com and the sunglasses range in price from $49.99 – $79.99, which is a great price for a pair of high-quality golf sunglasses. Sundog Eyewear’s golf sunglasses are available in over 30 styles, plus the company offers sport sunglasses, running sunglasses, lifestyle sunglasses, and much more.
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