Product Reviews

Hey, It’s Not Your Golf Ball, That One’s Mine. 

not your golf ball

We’ve all been there when someone in your group hits your golf ball. With so many people playing the same brand of golf ball, it’s just a matter of time until someone hits your golf ball by mistake.  

How about a golf ball company that makes sure everyone knows it’s not their golf ball. The company is Not Your Ball, and they sell a quality 3- piece, surlyn golf ball that gives increased distance and control off the tee. What makes their golf balls unique is the words on their golf balls, which is… Not Your Ball. 

The Not Your Ball words written across the golf ball assure you that when someone goes to see if it’s their golf ball, they immediately know it’s not theirs. No more wasting time looking for a golf ball someone else hit! Not Your Ball are quality golf balls, with the goal of helping all golfers make sure their golf ball is played by them and not mistakenly hit by others. 

The company website is and the cost for a sleeve of 3 golf balls is $9.00, or a dozen golf balls for $26.99.  

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