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hj glove golf glove
product reviws

An Excellent Leather Golf Glove. 

When you think of golf gloves you think of something that feels great, fits great, and is long lasting. Well, at the 2025 PGA show I found a company that offers everything you want in a golf glove.  The…

brotion golf sunscreen
product reviws

Excellent Single Use Sunscreen For Golfers 

Everyone knows how important using sunscreen is when golfing outside for so many hours. We all must be protected to avoid any issues, and I have found a company that offers a single use, portable, and easy to apply…

simarki golf tees
Product Reviews

An Easy Placement and Durable Golf Tee. 

I saw these golf tees at the PGA show in January and really liked them. They are similar to another kind of cup head golf tee, but in my opinion offer even less resistance.  The company is Simarki, and…

caddy splash groove sharpener
Product Reviews

A Compact and Easy to Use Groove Sharpener. 

I know that generally most people including myself don’t clean our grooves more than just a quick brush them off here or there. However, if you want to achieve the maximum amount of backspin your grooves need to be…