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dadafunk golf gloves
Product Reviews

Premium Golf Gloves To Improve Your Game.

I have found a company that offers 2 different golf gloves, that are both excellent. Both are made with high-quality materials, and both also offer excellent fit. The company is dadafunk, and the 1st glove that I have been using…

particle invisible sunscreen
Product Reviews

The First Invisible Sunscreen for Golfers.

I have been using sunscreen while golfing for years, as you absolutely must protect yourself. Generally, I have used a spray sunscreen, and I must admit it’s easy to use, however I have had it get into my eyes…

pin hunters golf co water brush
Product Reviews

A Better Golf Club Cleaning Brush.

I’ve generally used a metal brush to clean my golf clubs after a shot and it has always worked well, however I have noticed a few times that it leaves tiny scratch marks on the face of my irons.…

omnix golf bags
Product Reviews

A True Luxury and Work or Art Stand Bag.

When it comes to golf bags, they mostly look similar, let’s be honest. Some have some cool features like cooler pockets, which really do come in handy, and some have more pockets than others, but in terms of style,…