Cleaning your grips is such a hassle. You need to get a bucket, fill it with water and some soap, and it’s just messy and so time consuming. That’s probably why most people don’t clean their grips, well, there…
I’m always on the hunt for a quality rangefinder, and there are so many options. I think the differences between many of them are very little, as so far, the only big difference I have found is some may…
I have tried many golf shoes over the years and done many reviews. Most are very good these days. However, I am always searching for anything new and unique that can help my golf game in any way, and…
I tried insoles in my golf shoes several years ago and they felt ago, but I really didn’t notice much help with my golf game. When I noticed a company I never heard of on Instagram selling insoles to…
There are many golf irons to choose from, however, have you noticed how expensive they are getting. I’m not sure these significantly higher prices are turning into significantly better irons. So, I have found a great set of irons…
I recently left a club at the range and didn’t notice until the ranger brought it to me on the 9th hole. Fortunately, a had a label my golf club gave me a few months earlier. Unfortunately this has…
I like knowing my golf stats as it’s the only way to improve, and having a simple and effective way to get those stats has never been easier. There are now golf watches that can capture a ton of…
I have never worn Jogger type pants before, but I have been hearing a lot about them. From what I could tell Joggers were like any other pants, but with a bit shorter length around your ankles. Well, there’s…
This is seriously the coolest golf travel bag/cart bag I have ever seen. As soon as I saw this on Instagram, I knew I had to see one for myself. I travel quite a bit to golf, and lugging…
Introducing RadCycled – made from ocean plastics blended with stretch, and a premium blend of organic Peruvian Pima Cotton with RadCycled Repreve Polyester. Radmor is a pioneer in sustainable golf apparel dedicated to transforming the golf industry through environmental…