I’m always heard that putting straight back and straight through was the best way to putt. Although, I’ve noticed my putting stroke normally does not flow straight back and straight through, so I always thought my putting stroke was a bit unique, until I learned what I was doing was correct all along.
A putting training aid I was reading about was based on the concept that the putting stroke does have an arc, and that is the only way to putt. The company is Tour Path Putting and they created the Tour Path Putting System. It is a putting training aid you use on the practice green and it’s simply help into the ground using a few golf tees provided.
The Tour Path Putting System, is a heavy duty metal putter training aid with a slight arc to it. Its goal is to improve many aspects of your putting including Face Angle, Speed Control, Posture, Eye Position and much more. It shows you exactly how to create a “complete” putting stroke, which means that the putter face is square to the path which means the face must appear open on the backstroke and closed on the forward stroke.
Time to take the Tour Path Putting System to the practice green. For myself it was a natural putting stroke with a slight inside to inside arc. However, the Tour Path Putting System shows you on every stroke the correct path, and I was similar but not doing it exactly correct. After about 20 minutes I could feel the system working and my putting stroke was becoming much more consistent with the proper arc to it.
I felt it was helpful, I encouraged one of the golfers in my group to come over and practice with it. His stroke was very unusual and I was sure the Tour Path Putting System would help me, and it did. He ran over to me after the round and said he had his best putting day ever, and he thanked me and bought me an after the round beverage.
Bottom line, the Tour Path Putting System is an excellent putting training aid. It is much more effective than just trying to figure it our yourself, using a mirror, or a using a training aid that doesn’t help with multiple areas of the putting stroke. I highly recommend purchasing a Tour Path Putting System and using it as often as you can, it will help your putting stroke, and lower your scores!
The best way to purchase one is on Amazon here – www.tourpathputting.com and the cost is only $89.99 with free shipping.
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