Product Reviews

Searching For Unique and Fun Golf Head Covers?

Golfers all use head covers for protecting their golf clubs from dings and damage. Typically, drivers and putters all come complimentary “low-frills” head covers at the time you purchase your clubs.

These budget head covers give me as much enjoyment as a “bag of rocks”. Fortunately, I’ve found a company that makes some amazing head covers for drivers, irons, and putters, as well as custom head covers for woods and putters. That company is Craftsman Golf and they offer really great looking and unique head covers. Craftsman Golf offers over 125 different options for woods, irons and putters. Their head cover designs are very unique, fun and colorful.

I use the Craftsman Golf Russian Roulette Game Square mallet putter cover ( and it looks fantastic as it reminds me of Las Vegas and all the fun golfing I’ve done there. My Russian Roulette Game Square putter cover has a magnetic closure that protects my putter head very well. This putter cover is made from premium synthetic leather and is also water and stain resistant. I think it’s awesome!

The company website is and I feel that the prices are very reasonable for such unique designs. The company also offers a USA Stars and Stripes themed line of products which are very patriotic (

With so many options and styles to choose from, I recommend going to Craftsman Golfs’ web site and checking out all their great golf head covers.

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