Everyone uses a golf bag, and there are many types from stand bags, to cart bags to walking bags. However, what has not changed in a long time is what the golf bag is really capable of doing.
How many times have you said “where is that thing, I know I put it in this pocket in my bag”? I know I have searched my golf bag to many times to count looking for ball markers, divot tools, pencils, etc.. Finally, I have found a company that sells a golf bag that is truly unlike any other, it has the most pockets and options that are possible.
The company is GRIT, and their Golf Tower Cart Bag is awesome. It has so many pockets and places to put everything you need. From specific places to place your valuables, to a removable cooler sleeve, to a pocket for your speaker, and so much more.
Here some specs from GRIT about their Golf Tower Cart Bag….
Grit has redefined the core components of the golf bag and said goodbye to large pockets that become bottomless pits. integrated a brand-new storage system on the front of the bag, players will now be able to organize their gear on a shelving unit right in front of them.
- Premium Ripstop Polyester material construction
- One of a kind SQUARE shape style
- 15-way top divider with 4 full length internal club separators
- Front-Facing storage with an internal shelving unit to store and organize various items
- Magnetic Hinged Ball Pouch
- Waterproof valuables pocket on the front door
- Removable embroidery panel
- Removable Cooler Sleeve
- Secret Fallen Items pocket to retrieve items dropped inside the club column
- Fits on all power carts and push carts
Product Specs | ||||
Height | Width | Depth | Weight | |
34″ / 86cm | 10″ / 25cm | 11.6″ / 29cm | 6.5lb / 3kg |
I have been using the GRIT Tower Cart Bag for several weeks now and I love it! It holds everything in a way that I am never searching for my golf accessories. I love the cooler sleeve as I always bring a drink and a few power bars when I play so keeping them from melting is great. The Tower Cart Bag also works with push carts, and the new power electric carts. The Tower Cart Bag is an organized closet for everything you need, so no more asking where did I put this or that, those days are over when you use a GRIT Tower Cart Bag.
Bottom line, the GRIT Tower Cart Bag is the swiss army knife of cart bags. It holds everything and more in a fully organized fashion. It works with carts, push carts and electric carts, and offers convenience unlike any other golf bag, period.
The company website is https://gritinc.net/products/golf-tower-cart-bag?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqu3n-bGi_wIVESezAB0urQ1kEAAYASAAEgIwhPD_BwE&variant=39807752896576 and the Tower Cart Bag comes in 4 color options. The cost is 330.00, and there is an option for a customizable panel on the bag to put your name or club name.
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